Looking for a PSO Job? Here’s a few suggestions and places to look!
Phone Sex Companies
Chatrecruit.com Chatrecruit is a place I used to work, and it was challenging, but it was one of the companies I credit for teaching me about the wide range of sexual fetishes out there.
Why do I recommend such a place? Because if you are a newbie, there’s no better way to learn the different fetishes and get over the nervousness of talking to guys than to take a LOT of calls. And places like Chatrecruit get a lot of calls!
They also tend to hire all the time and offer online training courses. Not very in-depth training, though; you’ll learn more about phone sex from watching Youtube Videos and taking actual calls. But they will give you a company work environment that can be comforting, fun, and helpful to someone who is a Newbie in the game.
I have worked for this company before. Back when I worked there, they got a lot of calls, especially at certain times. So even though the pay is low by industry standards, if you put enough hours in, you can make a nice bit of extra income.
This company is based in the UK, though, so be aware you’ll get a lot of heavy accents that might be hard for an American to understand, and I would guess the reverse would also be true with our American accents.
121 GIRLS I never worked for this site and don’t know much about it. It sounds like another PSO Mill type of place. From what I heard, the pay is low, but the girl who posted the site on the PSO boards seemed to like it.
Scroll to the part with the word links and hit “Phone Entertainers.” They will have a List of Phone Sex Companies. A lot of these companies are Trolling and Direct Dial companies. Some may want girls with experience, but others are willing to hire and train newbies.
And once you get your phone sex chops, you might want to try a place like Niteflirt, where you create your own characters, purchase your pictures, set your prices, and troll how and when you want to.